3 March 2011

In Which Thoroughly Obsessed Thursday Needs Friends

So this is me, housesitting.

There has been lots of reading (yay!), lots of show-catching-up (ohholycrapthegoodwifeisamazing), and lots of sitting around eating leftover homemade Thai food.

I didn't bother to bring my Felicity DVDs (the next marathon in line) with me, because my lovely housesitting hostess is the person who introduced me to our favorite curly-haired navel gazer, and thusly has all of the discs anyway.  I arrived on Sunday just in time to settle in and watch a couple of eps before the (disastrous) Oscars, went to the DVD closet (And yes, it is a closet... Boy Scout?  This is your future!) and was totally and completely distracted.

By Friends.  Specifically, the latter six seasons of Friends.

This is a huge chunk of nostalgia for me, as I was obsessed with this show all through middle school.  We (Friends and I) sort of fell out toward the end of high school (I think the positive pregnancy test was the last time I watched the show regularly), but I still tuned in for the big stuff (Emma's birth, Phoebe's wedding, the finale, etc.)

I started this mini-fleeting marathon at season 4, right around the time Ross meets Emily and proceeds on his meltdown of life (actually, the episode I started with, specifically, was The One with the Embryos, mostly because I wanted to watch the girls lose their apartment to the guys.  Epic).  Some classic moments: The One with All the Thanksgivings.  Monica and Chandler's secret relationship.  Everything ever involving the chick and the duck.

Friends was a long time ago (remember when Phoebe had her brother's triplets?  Yeah, those babies would be thirteen today.  How old do you feel??), but it doesn't feel old (beyond an obvious lack of cell phones).  The stories still roll along, and the plot points magically remain relevant.  I'm not sure I would have guessed it at the time, but it turns out this pop-culture phenomenon may just end up being one of those "old shows" that our kids end up watching.  And liking.


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