3 February 2011

In Which Thoroughly Obsessed Thursday is Filled with Procrastination Tools.

It's been one of those days/weeks/months.  Call it the winter doldrums, call it the need for hibernation, call it not wanting to talk to anyone anymore because you're so tired of hearing complaints about the weather.  Call it awesome supernatural mind melt due to intensive amounts of Buffy and Blades of the Rose.

Whatever it is, my concentration is down, my mood is pensive, and my need for staring in to the distance is up up up.

THUS!  I present to you all of the things I have used to distract myself in the past few days.

First of all, have you seen www.theoatmeal.com?  No?  You need to go there.  Now.  If you don't have time for browsing, please at least check out this: The State of the Web, What It's Like to Own an Apple Product (truer words...) and How Many Baboons Could You Take in a Fight....  Wendy Pan took the quiz.  She got 37.

Also, have you seen this video?  It's the single greatest thing I have yet seen this year.  I think I watched it six times today, because it kept making me smile. 

There's also this video, which also made me smile, but more in the stand-up-and-cheer kinda way.  If this man represents the future leaders of our country, then sign me up:

If that's not enough coolness for you, then I'm... not cool enough.  But I thought we already knew that...?



  1. Ahem. I got 45 baboons, thank you very much. But I would imagine that's because I can only imagine that I would throw a better punch with the smell of blood in the air....

  2. To be fair, Wendy Pan does have some arm issues...
