28 October 2010

In Which Thoroughly Obsessed Thursday is Obsessed with NaNoWriMo

This might as well be every post that I write throughout the month of November.

I have had various fantasies about posting snippets from my WriMo novel for your consumption, judgement, and general WTF-ed reaction, but I just don’t foresee that happening.

Mostly because anyone who knows anything about NaNoWriMo knows that after about the first week, nothing you write makes sense, because at that point you’ve just started to make shit up.

Let me back up.

November is National Novel Writing Month. For the uninitiated, this is an insane month, invented and perpetuated by insane people, all of whom think it’s a great idea to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1 and November 30. In case you’re wondering, I finished (“won”) in ’08, but failed mis-er-a-bly in ’09. But I’m winning this year, dammit.

I think.

Anyway, there might be nothing but Thoroughly Obsessed posts throughout November, aimed at my talking through a particular point, making up bits of research that I think I need for my novel (“What kind of research,” you ask? I have no idea yet. Because I have no idea what I’m going to write yet. Awesome, right?) Thoroughly Obsessed is also going to be the place that I post every last ounce of procrastination that I can come up with. Get ready.

The moral of the story is, if you’re a budding writer, a professional writer, a first-time writer, or someone who is insane, I encourage you to go to nanowrimo.org and celebrate your insanity and writerly-ness.

Oh, I almost forgot. Anyone who has anything they would like me to write about (topic? sporting event? character name? type of ancient Egyptian drinking vessel?) please feel free to share. I can’t promise I’ll include it, but I can promise that between word 30,000 and word 39,999 when I’m going out of my mind, it will be extremely comforting to me to know that I have options.

This Thoroughly Obsessed Thursday has been brought to you by the letters A through Z, every word that begins with each of those letters, and National Novel Writing Month. May the Force be with us.


  1. Brazilian pirate with a limp and a pet poodle....

  2. I think you should go with your mother's recent mention of velociraptors. Can't go wrong!
