You are an inspiration!I am humbled. While you manage to get your WriMo ass moving, I am stuck in readers paradise. I got the latest JD Robb book in the mail yesterday. As if WriMo wasn't difficult enough, now I have to share my writing time with my reading time (and I even started knitting again!)! Yowza!
Okay, so I read those Tessa Dare books that you made me read - and then I mailed the latest one to you. Thanks for the push. I did enjoy them and they were very easy and comfortable reads. Like wearing old slippers with new soles. The characters were fresh, the heroes believable (if a bit dominating) and the heroines were not too prissy!
Now I have to get into my Eve Dallas mindset. Ready to absorb the intricacies of being a famous NYC cop of the future, married to the richest man in the known universe. Your grandfather is already asking me if I have finished it... we soak them up! Will get back to you, when I have finished, to let you know what I thought!
Hugs and kisses, Wendy Pan